Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Air Pollution Is A Serious Problem - 1571 Words
Air pollution is a very serious problem throughout the world. Exposure to air pollution is easy and it can affect your health. Air pollution is the introduction of particulates, biological molecules, or other harmful materials into Earth’s atmosphere, causing diseases, death to humans, and damage to other living organisms such as animals and food crops, or the natural or built environment (Air Pollution, 2016, June 27). This definition proves that exposure to air pollution can harm the main things that we need to survive on earth. Depending on the environment an individual live in the quality of air can be good or bad. People living in the urban area have a higher chance of being exposed to air pollution than those living in the rural. I think if air pollution keep effecting the things we need on earth than we would no longer have any resources. In order to keep the resources we need we should decrease the exposure of air pollution in our environments and make the quality of i t better. Use of hybrid cars might improve the quality of the air. For this reason, tax credits ought to be given to drivers of hybrid vehicles. Air pollution from motor vehicles is also a serious matter on our resources because of the exhaust fumes. Due to this issue, when individuals are exposed to gas that come from their cars, it can affect their health. In order to reduce these negative effects individuals should keep their cars clean. Being exposed to particulate matter also can cause asthmaShow MoreRelatedAir Pollution Is A Serious Problem1507 Words  | 7 PagesAir pollution is a serious problem in our society that damages many things such as crops, trees, plants, and natural resources. Air pollution can be indoor or outdoors, when people smoke or vehicles exhaust pollutes the air. 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