Saturday, October 19, 2019

Children's testimony as evidence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Children's testimony as evidence - Essay Example In this respect the query about reliability of child’s words can be rather controversial. As a rule child’s vision of the surroundings differs from the view of adult person. Children have peculiar perception of the world. Combining their plain and rather naive comprehension with rich imagination, children are prone to exaggerate or even concoct some facts. Judicial practice shows that sometimes children are able to add false details to the description of the case or, on the contrary, pass over in silence crucial information. This happens because of the several reasons. First explanation is child’s personal feelings of fear or embarrassment. Second one is emotional surge that overcomes a child in a moment of analyzable event, after which he or she may have obstacles to remember everything that has occurred. However, when children deal with private insult, their testimonies may really help to achieve closure. History knows a lot of cases when hearing child’s testimony about sexual abuse, representatives of courts have not doubted the truth of stated words. In such particular cases all emotions, anxiety, offence and pain that is impossible to counterfeit can be seen on the face of the child.

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